Chrysler 331 . . . . 1951-1954 . . . . . . 1323362 aftermarket/replacement 331 pumps may be marked as 30141 and rebuilders often identify these as part number W1226 The passenger style is on the left and a truck pump is on the right:
354 . . . . 1955-1956 . . . . . . 1635386
392 . . . . 1957-1958 . . . . . . 1671893 The 392 pump is on the right, a Dodge 315-325 pump is on the left. Although they look similar they do not interchange. Note the slight difference in bolt positions, the 'top' mark and the contour at the bottom.DeSoto Pumps are interchangeable. Variations in housing design and impellar design change with model year and application. It is best to match a replacement to the original. Pump #1401674 is on the left; pump number #1638379 is on the right. Aftermarket/replacement pumps may be marked as PH135
Dodge 241-260-270 . . 1954-1956 Casting numbers 1632316 and 1632835 Rebuilders often identify these as part number W1283
241-260-270 . . 1954-1958 truck , casting #1328835, 1484437 ----truck pump photo to come----- 315-325 . . . . 1956-1957-1958 . . 1673781 Aftermarket/replacement pumps may be marked as 30227 See photo above.