EarlyHemi and related Poly Engine ID codes.
These numbers are stamped on the top front of the block, on the machined surface, just ahead of the valley cover. Although this list seems extensive, it is not guaranteed to be complete, nor is it warranted to be free from errors.
If you can document corrections or additions please send a note.
Chrysler Hemi________________________________ C51 ....... 1951 ...... 331 ....... 2-bbl C52 ....... 1952 ...... 331 ....... 2-bbl C53 ....... 1953 ...... 331 ....... 2-bbl (last year) C54 ....... 1954 ...... 331........ 4-bbl (on all following years) CE55 ...... 1955 ...... 331 ....... Imperial NE55 ...... 1955 ...... 331 ....... New Yorker 3NE55 ..... 1955 ...... 331 ....... Chrysler 300 dual 4-bbl CE56 ...... 1956 ...... 354 ....... Imperial NE56 ...... 1956 ...... 354 ....... New Yorker 3NE56 ..... 1956 ...... 354 ....... Chrysler 300 dual 4-bbl CE57 ...... 1957 ...... 392 ....... Imperial NE57 ...... 1957 ...... 392 ....... New Yorker 3NE57 ..... 1957 ...... 392 ....... Chrysler 300 dual 4-bbl 58C ....... 1958 ...... 392 ....... Imperial 58N ....... 1958 ...... 392 ....... New Yorker 58N3....... 1958 ...... 392 ....... Chrysler 300 factory fitted with fuel injection, later replaced with dual 4-bbl by dealers.
Chrysler Spitfire_____________________________________ WE55 ...... 1955 ...... 301 ..... Windsor ....... 2-bbl WE56 ...... 1956 ...... 331 ..... Windsor ....... 2-bbl WE57 ...... 1957 ...... 354 ..... Windsor ....... 2-bbl LE57 ...... 1957 ...... 354 ..... Saratoga ...... 4-bbl 58W ....... 1958 ...... 354 ..... Windsor ....... 2-bbl 58S ....... 1958 ...... 354 ..... Saratoga ...... 4-bbl
Dodge Hemi__________________________________________ D44 ..... 1953 ...... 241 ...... Red-Ram ....... 2-bbl D48 ..... 1953 ...... 241 ...... Red-Ram ....... 2-bbl D50 ..... 1953 ...... 241 ...... Red-Ram ....... 2-bbl D55 ..... 1955 ...... 270 ...... Red-Ram ....... 2-bbl D55 ..... 1955 ...... 270 ...... Super Red-Ram....... 4-bbl D56 ..... 1955 ...... 270 ...... Super Red-Ram....... 4-bbl D500 .... 1956 ...... 315 ...... 4-bbl D500 .... 1956 ...... 315 ...... Power-Pack....... dual 4-bbl KD500 ... 1957 ...... 325 ...... 4-bbl KD500 ... 1957 ...... 325 ...... Power-Pack....... dual 4-bbl D501 .....1957....... 354 ...... Chrysler engine....... dual 4-bbl
Dodge 'Poly'___________________________________________ D55 ....... 1955 ....... 270 ...... 2-bbl D63-1 ..... 1956 ....... 270 ...... 2-bbl D63-2 ..... 1956 ....... 315 ...... 2-bbl D63-3 ......1956 ....... 315 ...... 4-bbl KDS ...... 1957 ....... 325 ...... 2-bbl L325 ...... 1958 ....... 325 ...... 4-bbl LD2 ....... 1958 ....... 325 ...... 4-bbl
DeSoto Hemi_________________________________________ S17 ...... 1952.......276...... Firedome....... 2-bbl S16 ...... 1953...... 276...... Firedome....... 2-bbl ('16' and '17' are not reversed...) S18 ...... not recorded S19 ...... 1954 ..... 276 ..... Firedome ...... 2-bbl S20 ...... not recorded S21 ...... 1955 ..... 291 ..... Fireflite ..... 4-bbl S22 ...... 1955 ..... 291 ..... Firedome ...... 2-bbl S23 ...... 1956 ..... 330 ..... Firedome ...... 2-bbl S24 ...... 1956 ..... 330 ..... Fireflite ..... 4-bbl S24A ..... 1956 ..... 341 ..... Adventurer .... dual 4-bbl S25 ...... 1957 ..... 341 ..... Firedome ...... 2-bbl S26 ...... 1957 ..... 341 ..... Fireflite ..... 4-bbl S26A ..... 1957 ..... 345 ..... Adventurer .... dual 4-bbl S27 ...... 1957 ..... 325 ..... Dodge Engine .. 4-bbl
Plymouth 'Poly'_______________________________________ P27 ....... 1955 ...... 241 ....... 2-bbl P27 ....... 1955 ...... 260 ....... 2-bbl -----P27 used for two engines------ P29 ....... 1956 ...... 270 ....... 2-bbl
Note on truck engines; on Chrysler blocks, look for a 'W' cast in relief between the core plugs. This indicates a 354 block although the finished bore may be 331. The 'W' may also be found on pass car 331 and 354 Windsor-Saratoga-Spitfire blocks. The 331 truck blocks may, or may not, have enough wall thickness to be bored to 354 diameter. ALL OF THE EARLY BLOCKS MENTIONED WITHIN THIS WEBSITE HAVE THE POSSIBILITY OF SEVERE CORE SHIFT. NONE SHOULD BE BORED MORE THAN 0.030" WITHOUT SONIC CHECKING THE WALL THICKNESS.
Light Duty Trucks____________________________ These can be Hemi or Poly, some numbers were duplicated VT-334 ....... 1954 ....... 241 VT-334 ....... 1954 ....... 260 VT-336 ....... 1954 ....... 241 VT-338 ....... 1954 ....... 241 VT-338 ....... 1955 ....... 260 VT-338 ....... 1956 ....... 270 VT-350 ....... 1954 ....... 331 VT-434 ....... 1955-1956 .. 260 VT-436 ....... 1955-1956 .. 260 VT-444 ....... 1956 ....... 260 VT-448 ....... 1956 ....... 331 VT-448 ....... 1959 ....... 354 VT-504 ....... 1957 ....... 315 T-518 ....... 1957 ....... 315 VT-518 ....... 1957 ....... 315 VT-522 ....... 1957 ....... 315 VT-534 ....... 1957 ....... 315 VT-536 ....... 1957 ....... 315 VT-538 ....... 1957 ....... 315 VT-542 ....... 1957 ....... 315 VTS-542 ...... 1957 ....... 315 VT-544 ....... 1956 ....... 315 VTS-544 ...... 1957 ....... 315 VT-546 ....... 1957 ....... 315 VTS-546 ...... 1957 ....... 315 VT-548 ....... 1956 ....... 354 VTS-548 ...... 1957 ....... 354 VT-549 ....... 1956 ....... 354 VT-550 ....... 1956 ....... 354 VT-552 ....... 1957 ....... 354 VT-556 ....... 1957 ....... 315 VT-558 ....... 1957 ....... 315 VT-560 ....... 1957 ....... 354 VT-562 ....... 1957 ....... 354 VT-566 ....... 1957 ....... 354 VT-568 ....... 1957 ....... 354 VT-576 ....... 1958 ....... 354
Medium Duty Trucks___________________________________ Hemi, some numbers were duplicated VT-342 ....... 1955 ....... 270 VT-344 ....... 1955 ....... 270 VT-346 ....... 1956 ....... 270 VT-348 ....... 1956 ....... 270 VT-348 ....... 1956 ....... 331 VTX-442 ...... 1956 ....... 270 C-56 ......... 1953 ....... 331 C-68 ......... 1956 ....... 331 C-72 ......... 1957 ....... 354 C-76 ......... 1954 ....... 331
Heavy Duty Trucks, Busses, (big stuff) ________________ -------some numbers were duplicated-------- B8, C8, D8, F8, FS8, G8, GH8, HS8 .................1955-1956 . 260 J8, JS8, KA8, KS8..................................1955 ...... 270 R8, RS8, T8, V8....................................1955 ...... 331 K8D4, K8D5, K8D6, K8S4, K8S5, K8S6.................1957 ...... 315 K8C5, K8C6, K8C7, K8D7, K8D8, K8P3, K8P4, K8S7, K8W5, K8T7, K8T8...................................1957 ...... 331 K8C7, K8D7, K8D9, K8T7, K8T8, K8T9.................1957 ...... 354 L8C5, L8C6, L8D3, L8D4, L8D5, L8D6, L8P3, L8P4, L8S4, L8S5, L8S6, L8W3, L8W5...................... 1958 ...... 315 L8C7, L8D7, L8D8, L8D9, L8T7, L8T8, L8T9.......... 1958 ...... 354 M8C6, M8D6, M8D8, M8S6 ........................... 1959 ...... 315 M8C7, M8D7, M8D8, M8D9, M8S7, M8T7, M8T8, M8T9.... 1959 ...... 354
Marine ______________________________________ M44S-3 ..................... 270 M45S-3 ..................... 354 M45SP ...................... 331 M45SP-3 .................... 354
Industrial___________________________________________ IND 18, 18A ................ 241 Dodge IND 19A .................... 276 DeSoto IND-20, 20A, 24, 24A ....... 331 extended bell type IND-52 ..................... 260 Dodge IND-53,54 .................. 315 Dodge IND-56 ..................... 331 Chrysler IND-56A .................... 354 Chrysler IND56A1 .................... 325 Dodge There are examples of the top of the block not having a stamp and the ID may be found on the face of the block, just under the head gasket surface on the driver side.